Digital orchestra was created in 2008 by Jéremy .T, this project started out in the advertisment business and sound design for a wide range of brands from the luxury industry (chanel,mercedes,rolex,porsche,etc). Then the project evolved and expended in to short and full-lenght film entertainment,(Beyond the blood,Sakura no cage" ,Survival).

Today ,Digital orchestra is forging freely its strong identity in an interspective and visionary way, leading their imaginitive tales for the listeners. This quest for perfection inspires a symphonic fusion between neo -classicisme,epic ,ethnic and mystic in origin,which are some key words of this project.

Guided by the limpid, crystallin vocals of Y, an eclectic soprano singer and poetic song writer. Her innovative and insightful melodious ideas ,merge .On one hand Y voice is wild and incarnated but on the other hand ,it is a subtile blend of hyper-sensitivity and angelic resonances, offering an ethereal touch to this new E.P.

Thew Telluric Spin, these two artistes join, seeking for the tresures deeply hidden beneth are roots. The heterogeneous melodies of this new E.P will project you on never ending distant journeys.

Version Francaise

Bandcamp  Spotify  Spotify